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Polish Jazz Recordings and Beyond


Polish Jazz Recordings and Beyond

Produkt niedostępny
Data wydania: 2019
ISBN/EAN: 9788380220126
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Dostawa od 6,99 zł
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Obszerny przewodnik po polskich nagraniach jazzowych, które ukazały się na płytach CD. Znalazło się tu przeszło 1900 drobiazgowo opisanych i uporządkowanych pozycji. Co więcej, autor niekiedy wykracza poza ramy jazzu, przybliżając czytelnikom co ciekawsze nagrania z kręgu muzyki klasycznej i rockowej.<br/>This book is a guide to Polish jazz recordings on CDs. It describes over 1900 discs in a systematic and organized way, with artists names arranged alphabetically. It goes often beyond jazz and describes also discs with contemporary classical music or rock.<br/>Maciej Lewenstein s book is a very important contribution to the history of jazz in Poland. This is a very detailed and profound volume that comes as a great aid to charting all of the most important Polish jazz recordings. I know of no other book of such kind. It is a definite must-read for both professionals and jazz enthusiasts in Poland and beyond. Tomasz Stańko<br/>There is no other book already published on the subject, certainly nothing of such scope or including such detailed information. Although several books about Polish Jazz have been published in the last decade, none of them concentrate on Jazz recordings and they are mostly concerned with biographical and historical aspects of Polish Jazz. Therefore Mr. Lewenstein s book is in fact an ideal companion to those books already published. Adam Baruch<br/>
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